Anxiety in the face of a male biting his nails


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Anxiety may be classified in different types 
Is part of life and normal having random anxiety symptoms. However, anxiety can present oneself in many ways. To help you understand we have listed some of the most common descriptions of anxiety disorders and their symptoms. 

Generalized anxiety - chronic worry, stress, tension, "what if this" and "what if that," inability to relax

Panic - frequent anxiety attacks, feels as if having a heart attack, trouble breathing, fear of passing out, extreme fear

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - flashbacks, nightmares of past traumatic experiences, hyper vigilance, avoidance of anything that reminds one of trauma

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - persistent thoughts, urges, and impulses that are repetitive, excessive, unwanted, and affect daily life negatively, causes distress

Trichotillomania – persistent compulsive hair pulling involve pulling out hair from the scalp, eyebrows, or other areas of the body.

Social anxiety - feels uncomfortable or embarrassed in social settings, fears being scrutinized by others, fears performing in front of others, avoids or endures with intense anxiety and distress

Phobias - excessive or irrational fear of an object, place, or situation resulting in extreme fear of panic attack when exposed. Examples include:

Agoraphobia - fear of places or situations

Claustrophobia - fear of confined spaces

Acrophobia - fear of heights